Category: Consultation

  • RGU Financial Transformation Consultation

    RGU Financial Transformation Consultation

    After the announcement on 28th March regarding the financial situation at RGU with a savings target of £18 million, the opening of a university-wide Voluntary Severance scheme with an intended reduction of between 180-220 staff, and the proposed restructure of schools and departments, UNISON will be entering into formal consultation with the University. If you…

  • Vote NOW in the HE Pay Ballot 2019

    Vote ONLINE in the UNISON Higher Education Pay Ballot   Why you should vote to REJECT the pay offer… Staff in our world-class university system deserve a decent pay rise. You’re certainly due one as the value of your pay has not kept up with the cost of living. That’s why UNISON, along with the…

  • UNISON Consults on Final Pay Offer

    We have now received a "full and final" written pay offer from the national employers’ organisation the Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). The offer for 2016-17 follows pay talks between the employers and joint higher ed unions, and consists of: a 1.1% increase from 1 August for all staff covered by the higher education…

  • EU Referendum Consultation

    The National Executive Council (NEC) has launched a consultation of UNISON Branches about the European Union (EU) Referendum taking place on 23rd June 2016. The information collected from the consultation will be used to assist the National Executive Council in taking any policy and campaign decisions on the EU referendum in the run up to…

  • Branch Members REJECT HE Pay Offer

    The local branch consultation on the national Higher Education pay offer has now closed with members rejecting the employers offer by over a two thirds majority (69% reject, 31% accept). UNISON’s higher education service group executive said it “was clear that the offer falls well short of its aims. Recent years have seen a series…

  • Branch Pay Offer Consultation 2017/18

    We have now received a "full and final" written pay offer from the national employers’ organisation the Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). The offer for 2017-18 follows pay talks between the employers and joint Higher Education unions, and consists of: a 1.7% increase from 1 August for all staff covered by the higher education…