RGU Members Vote of No Confidence in University Executive

The RGU section of UNISON Aberdeen Universities branch has approved and submitted a formal statement of no confidence in the University Executive team, which has been delivered to the Principal, Prof. Steve Olivier.

In a consultative ballot of members 93% of respondents voted in favour of submitting the statement.

This decision reflects significant concerns among staff regarding the University’s financial management and lack of collaborative decision-making.

Key Issues Highlighted:

  • Control of Staffing Increases: Staff believe that the Executive team failed to cautiously manage recent temporary student number increases, risking job security for permanent staff.
  • Responsibility and Engagement: There is a perception that the Executive team has not taken adequate responsibility for the current financial situation and has not engaged staff in planning and decision-making processes.
  • Voluntary Severance Scheme: The scheme to reduce staffing levels is viewed as inferior and insufficient to address the financial deficit without significantly impacting service provision and job security.
  • Threat of Compulsory Redundancies: As a consequence of the current financial situation the University made it known that up to 220 jobs could be at risk and have refused to rule out compulsory redundancies.

UNISON opposes compulsory redundancies and urges the University to engage with staff representatives and give a clear guarantee that there will be no compulsory redundancies during any forthcoming restructures while we put in place measures to ensure the long-term stability and quality of service provision of the institution.


