RGU Announces £6m Cuts to Staff and Services

Members will by now be aware of the Principal’s announcement at RGU with regard to the financial situation at the University, and the start of a Voluntary Severance scheme to attempt to reach the stated required cost reduction of £6 million (£2 million non-pay costs, and £4 million staffing costs).

The University has also stated that in the event that these savings levels cannot be achieved through Voluntary Severance alone, that future voluntary or compulsory redundancies cannot be ruled out.

At this stage, UNISON along with the other campus trade unions have asked the University to provide us with the business case and justification for the level of cuts being sought. We have also asked what non-pay costs have been considered, and also have asked that the University make a clear statement rejecting the use of compulsory redundancies. UNISON will expect to be involved in any consultations where proposals for restructuring are being looked at and where our members are at risk.

If you have any specific questions, comments or concerns let us know. We understand that times like this can be very difficult for everyone and if there is anything else you would like to see in the meantime please get in touch.


